Anchor Christian Fellowship is a Non-Denominational Christian Church affiliated with Calvary Chapel. We teach through books of the Bible: Chapter by Chapter and Verse by Verse. Our Worship is simple and contemporary. Our setting is casual and comfortable. Our people our loving and dedicated to God, His Word, and reaching people for the Kingdom of God.
The Anchor was an early Christian Symbol. Early Christians often suffered persecution and hardship. Sometimes they felt like they were going through a storm. Hebrews 6 mentions that our hope in Jesus is an Anchor for the soul.
Believers today find that same comfort, hope, peace, and love that comes from putting our daily faith in Jesus.
Since we are located very close to the Atlantic Ocean, the Anchor is not just a nautical symbol it represents our spiritual stability.
We pray that have put your faith in Jesus as your Savior and that you daily trust in Him!

Sunday Mornings
Children's Ministry Available
Men's Meeting
9:00-10:30 am The 2nd Saturday of each Month
Women's Ministry (Bible Study)
We are meeting in Person and Online!
In person Sundays 10 Am Online Sundays 10:30AM
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7pm in Person
Saturday 10 am The 3rd Saturday of the month!